Kamera på hjelmen er en sikkerhetsrisiko, liner kan sette seg fast. Finnes mange løsninger for å redusere/eliminere risikoen, f.eks magnetfeste eller maskering av festet. Synes imidlertid denne varianten med supersterk borrelås er interessant.

Videoen har bare fransk tale og teksting men burde være enkel å forstå likevel!

Scotch Extreme borrelåsbånd 25 x 75 mm, 4-pakning


copyrigt Ozone

Mange ble nok overrasket av at rykende ferske Ozone Photon kom med winglets, Advance sitt «varemerke». Luc Armant grunnga det tidligere i videointervju med aerodynamiske fordeler. At dette skiftet kom er enklere å forstå nå etter det er blitt kjent at Advance og Ozone samarbeider, og slås sammen.

Hva får det å si for oss piloter? Sikkert mye positivt, men konkurransen i markedet svekkes når to så store aktører blir en.

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Niviuk Artik R – førsteinntrykk

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Niviuk Artik R – First impression

The Artik R is the easiest 2-Liner ever built from Niviuk. It offers the legendary comfort and handling of the Artik 6 with the stability and rear riser feel of a real 2-Liner. The Artik R is easy to control on the rear risers in turbulent air. It’s inviting to use speedbar and control it on the B-handles. It likes to pull forward when flying on Bar, so you have to catch it quick sometimes. The pressure on the B-Handles is moderate, neither very hard, nor very soft, just as we like it.

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Test av Niviuk Artik R

Pilot er anerkjente Ziad Bassil:

NIVIUK Artik-R size 23
If you already read my previous test about the Artik 6 , then you surely felt that I really appreciated that overall complete glider. Now as the C certification allowed the use of collapse lines and other changes, Niviuk released to the market their new C class model, with its 2-line version and with a 6.5 aspect ratio.

I have flown the size 23 which is certified from 80-95, and NIVIUK recommends the optimum flying weight of 87-92.
I flew that glider at 88- 92- and 95 all up on my X-rated 6 harness.
The Artik-R has a really nice construction and the finishing details are really impressive. I think NIVIUK has made it a step further in delivering a really neat high quality product which is clearly shown when you unbox it.

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