Månedlige arkiver: november 2012
Wings of Kilimanjaro – Magne Kværum er med!
Vil du hjelpe, følg lenken : http://wingsofkilimanjaro.com/index.php/pilots/official-pilots/magne-kvarum :-)”
Team Monkey Biz 2012
En morsom trykkleif, bedervet altså! Enkelte vil nemlig hevde at det er nettopp det disse gutta har gjort; bedervet spenningen i FDL og DL med overlegen flyging. 🙂
VIDEO – Ozone XXLite: Video round-up
Filming med «chase cam»
Mads Nygård demonstrerer side/bakfra filming av seg selv med Glidecat i videoen Paragliding in Norway with chase cam.
Et alternativt oppheng er WingmanCam.
Fikk mail fra Ricks Brasil der han ønsket at jeg la ut denne videoen. Kanskje fordi fridistanse.no ligger overlegent øverst på «Top URL embeds» for hans forrige video? 🙂
THE PILL FROM THE FREE FLIGHT – 17 Ep. from Ricks Brasil on Vimeo.
Produced in Terra Rica – Pr, south of Brazil. That region is realy flat and just have a small hill but after take off you will feel very confortble to fly Cross Country. Enjoy yourself with video…. and help us to the divulgation of video in your Facebook, site, blog, tweeter……
Good Vibration. FeeLGooD Brasil.
P.S. Site: feelgood-brasil.com Interview: espn.estadao.com.br/post/280868_you-can-fly-o-vencedor Channel: vimeo.com/channels/feelgood Our videos: vimeo.com/feelgoodbrazil/videos Contact: feelgood-brasil.com/#!contato
Nyttige webcam i Oslo
Disse to er bra, ikke minst nå i vinterhalvåret for å sjekke høyde på eventuell tåke over Oslogryta.
VIDEO – bk bleiknes og termikk. paragliding MP4
Kjekt å ha vind-dummy som viser forholdene. Obs diskusjonen på start! 🙂
Take off 1:45.
Dagens sitat – flaks versus erfaring
VIDEO – Paraglider rams into footballer
Paraglider eller parachute, ærr`e så nøye`a? 🙂
When you are warming-up before a big football match there might be lots of things on your mind — How will I play today? How am I going to stop that winger? Have I done all my stretches?
One thing you definitely wouldn’t be thinking though is: «Will I get rammed into by a paraglider?
Suverene Christian Maurer..
Test av Advance pi
Climbing well in the lift reminded me that this is not some mattress-looking mini wing, even though it has the dynamic responses of a little wing with high wing-loading. Again, I am slightly flabbergasted that this wing is keeping me up in the lift band so well!
VIDEO – Strange Hang Gliding Dream
Ny verdensrekord i fridistanse for damer
VIDEO – Security in Flight 2 by Jocky Sanderson
Uniquely for such a film, every technique is filmed and explained on two different gliders – an EN B and an EN D paraglider. “This means you see how a relatively benign glider reacts as well as a sportier glider,” Jocky said.
Security in Flight 2 by Jocky Sanderson