Mads Syndergaard viste i går gode gamle takter!
Mads Syndergaard viste i går gode gamle takter!
Lærerik podcast med Mads Syndergaard.
Sånn går det når Mads ikke fikk arrangere Nordic Open… 🙂
-skal bli spennede å se hvordan dette bærer avgårde.
EDIT: ..og diskusjonen er i gang!
New World Series of events open to «all» wings
Sett av 14. – 23. juni!
(Tips: Lars Tore Strand)
Mads Syndergaard reagerer ganske så negativt på valget av sted, og arrangør!
Nordic Open 2013 – not in Pegalajar, and not by me…
Mads Syndergaard ønsker å være arrangør også denne gangen, og er imøtekommende selv om det ikke skulle bli slik!
«As always, remember that if my bid isn’t accepted, and someone else’s is, the domain is still available for the winning bid organisation to use, plus whatever else I can contribute with.»
I think pushing the best pilots out has been a disaster for the sport. In every sport we need the lighthouses out ahead to show us what is possible in the sport, to inspire and strike us with awe.
«…Have you ever noticed precisely who the people are that gravitate to the regulatory organisations within our sport? With obvious exceptions here and there, the great majority of them are the people who think that free flying is a pretty neat pastime if only it wasn’t so dangerous/scary – in short, the ones wearing the hip attire on launch, offering well-meant advice based on years of doing just that on launch. The thing that is missing in the equation is the actual flying bit… «