Episode 33- Hugh Miller and Flying Psychology, X-Alps, Chrigel Secrets and MORE
Stikkordarkiv: Hugh Miller
Lang XC fra Hugh Miller
Lang fridistanse i UK (192,8 km) tatt i betraktning datoen!
Hugh Miller graver dypt i PG-sjela
Jeg traff Hugh Miller i 2002 i Australia og vi hadde mange interessante samtaler. 25 år gammel hadde han allerede forlatt konkurransearenaen han som purung pilot tok med storm! Med enda flere år på nakken har han nå kommet frem til en erkjennelse som jeg mener er verd å lese:
…And amid all the mud-slinging, name-calling and trailing edge checking that’s going on right now at the World Cup in Governador Valadares, I think there’s a deeper truth that we’ve been trying to ignore for too long. It’s this: trying to make paragliding into a high level professional racing sport has never really worked, and perhaps never will. It’s always been fun, competing, but we’re just not meant to go really fast in an ‘every second counts’ kind of race. Racing might work as a competitive sport for cycling and athletics, but it’s not a good fit for paragliding, for a number of reasons…
Lær av Chrigel Maurer
Hugh Miller intervjuer Chrigel Maurer.