Dramatisk i Winelands Open 2012

Andre Rainsford ble vinner av konkurransen – Resultater
Siste dagen involveres han i et stygt krasj:

…There were three of us racing hard in front of the field half way through the last task.  We had taken the turn point on the ridge and were headed back when Andrew took a violent and irrecoverable collapse meters from the cliff on the northern side of a big gorge.  By the time he took a third full body blow tumbling down the cliff my mind had already accepted that no animal could survive such violence.  I watched Stefan Schmoker take a fatal hit in Valle in 2009 and this seemed ten times worse…


Dagens sitat – Zip-a-dee-doo-daah..

…Elin har jaggu laga dagens logg om til ett dikt! Ganske artig 😛
 Luftig hilsen
Eirik Johansen

Det første av 12 «vers»:

Zip-a-dee-doo-daah, zip-a-dee-hey,
my oh my, what a wonderful day!
Bye bye bed, I really can’t stay,
There is air I need to fly today!!

Fin julegave – vindmøller på CDB trolig skrinlagt

Min fransk er mangelfull! Jeg tyder dog denne mailen fra Ruth Jessop dithen (utheving) at utførte vindmålinger trolig  skrinlegger vindmølleprosjektet i Greolieres – Col de Bleyne området. En realisering ville etter min mening ha ødelagt egnen for paraglidere.

Jeg våger meg på et forsiktig HURRA! 🙂

La première étape, préalable à toutes, concernait la mesure du vent sur la Montagne de Chandy a l’ouest du Col de Bleyne et elle s’est passée hier matin a 11h à Valderoure.

Les résultats sont clairs: il n’y a pas assez de vent, et l’entreprise EDF EN arrête son projet – pas d’éoliennes sur Valderoure.

Nous voudrions remercier la mairie de Valderoure pour nous avoir communiqué cette nouvelle, pour leur transparence et leur communication avec nous pendant l’année écoulée. Nous leur souhaitons de passer de bonnes fêtes de fin d’année et serons là pour les soutenir pendant l’année 2013.

Ruth Jessop Présidente des Amis des Montagnes d’Azur

Ny måte å konkurrere på = ny type compvinger!

…In all, the race will more or less be concluded in the last thermal BEFORE the final glide, and there will be absolutely no motivation to race into goal at high speed.  This should lead to competition paragliders being designed with the emphasis on different properties, namely good handling/climbing characteristics and good performance in the optimum speed range.

The Paraglider manufacturers Association

Rekordforsøk på fridistanse ble T/R !

New Zealand hang-gliding and paragliding association record keeper Tim Percival said that Tapper’s flight had also earned him the accolade for the highest point-scoring flight since they introduced the Leonardo online record keeping system four years ago. 

Percival said official recognition was given to straight line, out and back, FAI triangle and declared goal flights. Tapper could have received recognition if he had declared his goal before flying.
